Have you ever clicked on a link and received the message, “404 Page Not Found”? What is that? If you don’t know, it’s an HTTP status code that indicates that the web page you’re trying to get to cannot be found on the server. This error message is shown when the server itself is reachable but the specific page is not. It’s quite an annoyance, especially when you were looking forward to seeing the content. It’s mostly a minor annoyance however, but can significantly impact the performance of a website if it’s not addressed promptly. Understanding and fixing 404 errors is crucial for user experience and ensuring that your website performs well in search engine results. Throughout this blog, we will cover everything about 404 errors and how to fix them.  

Common Causes of 404 Errors 

404 errors are frustrating for both users and businesses alike. They can be detrimental to website performance. Understanding the common causes of the errors can help you in effectively avoiding them: 

  • Broken Links
    • One of the main causes of 404 errors is broken links. When hyperlinks point to pages that no longer exist on a website or have been moved without updating the link, 404 errors occur. Even simple typing errors can be the cause. 
  • Incorrect URLs
    • Incorrect URLs can occur when users manually type in a URL into their browser and make a mistake, thus taking them to a website that simply does not exist. The smallest typo can cause a 404 error. 
  • Deleted or Moved Pages
    • Pages that have been either deleted or moved without proper redirects have errors as well. It’s essential to set up a redirect from the old URL to the new one. This will ensure that users and search engines are directed to the correct location to preserve the user experience. 

Why Do 404 Errors Matter? 

Impact on User Experience

When users encounter a 404 error, it greatly impacts their experience and leads to frustration. If someone is wanting to go to your website and they simply can’t due to error, the chances of them staying around isn’t very high. Imagine visiting a website to find something you want or need only to be met with a “page not found”. More than likely, that person will find what they need elsewhere. 

SEO Implications

404 errors have many negative consequences to SEO including penalties for rankings which make it much harder for users to find your site through organic search results. Who wants that? 404 errors also cause issues with crawling and indexing. If Google crawlers end up at a 404 message, they’ll stop indexing that part of the site which results in valuable content not being shown at all. 

Preventing Future 404 Errors

Preventing these errors from happening on your website involves regular maintenance, consistent practices, and an attentive approach to feedback. Here are a few strategies that you can follow to reduce the likelihood of 404 errors happening to your website: 

  • Regular website maintenance
    • This is crucial for keeping your website running smoothly. This includes checking if your links direct to the right places and ensuring that all pages are working the way they need to be. Regularly maintaining means that you will find errors as soon as they happen, preventing long-term issues.  
  • Periodic Link Checks and Updates
    • Tools like Screaming Frog and Google Search Console can easily help you identify broken links as soon as they break. 

As we stated throughout this blog, preventing 404 errors is essential for maintaining seamless user experience for your website. These errors greatly impact both user satisfaction and search engine optimization if left unresolved. By following the strategies and tips that we covered, you can create a more reliable presence online. Regular attention to details retains visitors, and makes others more inclined to choose your business over others. Having a website free from 404 errors is a continuous process that requires patience and TLC!